What is explicit instruction teaching?

Explicit, or direct, instruction is a teacher-directed teaching method. The way it works is that the educator gives explicit, guided instructions to students from the front of the classroom or lecture theatre. This teaching strategy works best for particular skill development, and not necessarily those that require experimentation.

How does explicit teaching work?

When you adopt explicit teaching practices, you are clearly showing your students what to do and how to do it. You are not relying on students to construct this information for themselves. There are several steps to explicit instruction teaching:

There are several steps to explicit instruction teaching:

  1. A teacher decides on a learning intention for a class and sets specific, transparent success criteria. These criteria are shared with students and explained in detail.
  2. The teacher clearly shows students what to do and how to do it through physical demonstration.
  3. The teacher checks for student understanding periodically. At the end of a lesson, a teacher will revisit what was covered to summarise understanding and learnings.
  4. In the content of an ongoing task or assessment, students are provided with all the information they need to complete this independently.

Benefits of explicit teaching in the classroom

Fast-tracked performance

Explicit teaching is effective in fast-tracking student performance. Explicit teaching aims to move beyond rote learning and to attempt to sequence learning for students.

Increased flexibility

Explicit teaching can be done in real time or with video content, an excellent option for students to then revisit beyond the classroom. This content can be created from scratch and tailored to your specific class or an existing ClickView video resource.

Clear expectations

Explicit teaching is a useful teaching strategy for making sure all students are clear about the criteria. Part of the process is setting the scene for each lesson or session, recapping previously taught information and stating aims and objectives moving forward.

Systematic and sequential

Explicit teaching is always systematic and sequential. By directly supporting guided practice using a series of steps, it’s ideal for teaching practical hands-on skills, rather than more abstract concepts.

Interactive video ideas for teachers

Explicit teaching involves a high level of teacher-student interaction, incorporating targeted feedback. Teachers need to take on an active role in supporting students to achieve success as they move through the learning process. By carefully monitoring student understanding, you can offer targeted individual support.

ClickView’s interactive video feature can be used to create your own explicit teaching videos. Just add an interactive layer of questions or steps to any video, to help students better understand the content as they learn.

Learn more about interactive videos
Explicit Teaching ClickView Interactives

Top 2 ways ClickView can help you with explicit teaching

  1. Create your own step-by-step videos

    It’s so easy to create your own low-tech video content to demonstrate explicit teaching techniques for your students. These might include how to draw a spiral pattern for primary Art students, cut wood correctly for a secondary Woodworking class or perform a dance sequence.

  2. Access sample explicit teaching content

    You can also take advantage of the extensive library of explicit teaching content that already lives in ClickView. ClickView houses many video examples of explicit teaching uploaded by our users, to inspire you in your classroom or lecture space.