Newcastle and Stafford Colleges

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Supporting staff to find great resources is now easier than ever

In the past, Liz spent a lot of her resource budget on DVDs to enhance learning in various subjects at the college. DVDs that went missing, got scratched or ended up stuck on someone’s shelf. Now using ClickView, it’s so much easier for Liz to share great content to support staff with teaching and learning. She often gets requests for films to support English Language or English Literature. With her subscription, Liz can usually get these video resources from ClickView through the Exchange or the BBC RES archive online service. Not only does it save money, but her capacity to share resources is now unlimited. “Everybody can now watch things in college or at home on any device. We know our students don’t particularly like sitting at computers. They’d rather be on a phone or tablet, so they can now quickly log into the app and use that.”

“ClickView integrates brilliantly with Moodle. Our staff are used to using Moodle, so it’s just another plugin for them. It’s really, really easy to show them how to do it.” The staff at Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group enjoy many benefits of this easy integration. By uploading a link through Moodle, a video clip or film shown in class is now accessible for absent students or those who need to watch the content a second time. Once in Moodle, any uploaded video content sits alongside all other student resources, meaning everything is in the one place for easy access.


The extensive ClickView collection helps staff and students at the college save time when looking for high-quality teaching resources. The pre-created interactive videos with a question layer are particularly useful for time-poor staff. According to Liz, once staff can see the benefits of what the ClickView platform offers, they become advocates within the college. Particular teams of staff have taken full advantage of the functionality of ClickView.

“Our catering staff are the ones who’ve really embraced it.” The course work for this study area at the college is very skills-based. Bits and pieces of content that the team has recorded over the years is now largely out of date. “Our computers don’t even have DVD players in them anymore.” Being able to access the wide variety of content that now exists on the platform has been transformative. Students can even watch clips on the ClickView smartphone app in the kitchen to guide them as they work.

“With ClickView, it’s easy to share great content to support teaching and learning. My capacity to share resources, such as feature films, with English classes is now unlimited.”

Liz Wyman
Head of Resources and Guidance

Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group has used ClickView for many years now. Liz and the staff there have noticed the continuous improvements in functionality over the years to become fully online. Liz reflects on the added benefits of ClickView compared with other platforms, such as no adverts or continuous play feature. ClickView is also aligned to the curriculum and designed with specific year levels in mind, providing peace of mind for staff. The supplementary resources provided with the videos further support engagement in learning to boost educational outcomes for all students.