Tertiary Catalogue

Series: Communist China

Mao's Cult of Personality

Mao's Cult of Personality

Like other dictators, Mao Zedong exploited his own personality cult. This video examines the grip he had on China’s population during the fear and hysteria of the Cultural Revolution. Citizens carried copies of his ‘Little Red Book’,...Show More
Mao's Red Guard

Mao's Red Guard

China’s economy improved in the early 1960s, but Chairman Mao didn’t like what he saw – an emerging market economy and privileged ruling class. This video looks at the Red Guard – created when Mao mobilised China’s youth to lead a...Show More
The Great Leap Forward

The Great Leap Forward

When Mao Zedong announced China’s second five-year plan, the Great Leap Forward, in 1958, it promised a Communist utopia based on collectivisation of agricultural property and production, and industrialisation where everyday citizens produced...Show More