Tertiary Catalogue

Series: Flow of Heat



This video introduces students to conduction. Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighbouring molecules without the molecules moving from a hot region to a cold region.


This video introduces students to convection. Convection is the process by which heat is transferred by the movement of the heated molecules from a hot region to a cold region. It also looks at the applications of convection, such as in heating,...Show More
Flow of Heat

Flow of Heat

This video is designed to demonstrate the different ways in which heat can be transferred, and show how heat from a body at a higher temperature is transferred to one at a lower temperature. The video also explains the three key different methods...Show More
Good and Bad Conductors of Heat

Good and Bad Conductors of Heat

This video teaches students to identify examples of good and bad conductors of heat. They will also learn how both good conductors and good insulators are used in different situations.


Students will learn about radiation in this video. Radiation is a mode of heat transfer that can take place with or without the presence of a medium due to electromagnetic waves. Students will also learn about how radiant heat is absorbed by objects.