Secondary Catalogue

Series: Rational Expressions

Adding and Subtracting Rational Functions

Adding and Subtracting Rational Functions

In this video we learn how to add and subtract rational expressions, which are just fractional expressions in which the numerator and denominator are both polynomials. Just like with simple fractions, we have to find a common denominator in order...Show More
Dividing Rational Functions

Dividing Rational Functions

In this video we learn how to divide rational expressions, which are fractional expressions in which both the numerator and denominator are polynomials. We'll turn the division problem into a multiplication problem by taking the reciprocal of the...Show More
Long Division of Polynomials

Long Division of Polynomials

Learn how to use polynomial long division to simplify a rational function, which is the quotient, or fraction, of two polynomials. This will work the same way as long division with real numbers. The numerator goes on the inside of the long...Show More
Multiplying Rational Functions

Multiplying Rational Functions

In this video we learn how to multiply rational expressions, which are fractions that have a polynomial in both the numerator and denominator. Before we do the multiplication, we'll try to factor the numerators and denominators as much as...Show More
Simplifying Rational Functions

Simplifying Rational Functions

In this video we'll learn how to simplify rational functions by reducing them to their lowest terms by cancelling common factors.